Friday, October 10, 2008

Field trip to Pezza Farms

We had so much fun on our field trip today! First, we went on a hayride around the farm and a trip through the woods. We stopped at the pumpkin patch to pick a sugar pumpkin to keep. Once we got our pumpkin we headed for the cow's pen. From the wagon, we fed the cows and a horse named "Pacer" Take a look at our slideshow to see more of our pictures!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Alphabet Game

Alexis and Autumn having fun playing an alphabet game.

September 25, 2008

Students reconstructed sentences from our Letter 'T' book.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Alphabet Soup

After reading "Alphabet Soup" students made their own soup by gluing letters on their bowl.

Number Line Math

Students put the numbers in order and take turns guessing the secret number.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

After we learned all about apples students had fun decorating one.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Monday, September 8, 2008

Today we wrote our first entry in our weather journals. The kids did great with this activity! More than half of the class wrote their entry all by themselves!

Friday, September 5, 2008

Friday, September 5, 2008

We had a great time exploring centers this week. Take a look at the new photos that I uploaded to the slideshow.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Tuesday, September 2

Today was a very busy day. We had to do everything that we missed on Monday and all of Tuesdays work. The kids were so exhausted by the end of the day. Kyle even fell asleep while waiting for his bus to be called.

Today was the letter ‘B’ day. We did a lot of fun activities to help us learn what sound it makes and how to write it. We even made a ‘B’ book and identified words that begin with the letter ‘B’. For Math we reviewed numbers 0-5 and practiced estimating and building patterns. We also learned about basic shapes and sorted pictures according to their shape.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Welcome to Kindergarten!

Hello and welcome to our kindergarten blog. We had a wonderful first day of school and we made lots of new friends. We’re so happy because we got through so much today. For social studies we learned about rules and how they help keep us safe. We even created our own set of rules to follow and consequences that go along with them. For math we learned about numbers 0-5 and practiced counting. For circle time we learned about the calendar and the weather. We practiced writing our name and learned ‘If You’re Happy and You Know It’. For centers we made name tags, played with play-doh, built with cubes, explored links, and played with puzzles. I hope tomorrow is just as fun!

Friday, April 11, 2008


If 3 students are sitting at a table and there are 6 slices of pizza, how can we divide it so that each student will get the same amount?

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Plant A Tree Day!

The kids had a great time planting their trees today. During recess they all went back and forth checking on the tree to make sure it was doing okay. They can't wait to see it grow big and strong.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Planet Earth

What does it mean to be green? This was the question I asked the class as I introduced them to our unit on Planet Earth and global warming. It was no surprise that when I asked them this question the room grew silent and they all stared at me like I had 6 heads. The silence continued for about five minutes until one brave soul raised his hand and shouted, “It means your sick!” Then another said, “It means to dress up for Halloween” and another, “It means like…like… like on Sponge Bob when he ate something green and it turned him all green!”. Well at that moment I knew that we had a long journey ahead of us.

Over the next few weeks we will be learning about Planet Earth. We will learn about what Earth gives us, what it needs from us, and what we can do to help it. The class decided on this unit after I read a story that I came across titled “ Just A Dream” by Chris Vansllsburg. The story was about a boy who saw the future in a dream and he saw the world was not what he expected. The kids were very upset about some of the issues that came up and instantly wanted to do something to help our planet so that in the future it is what they expect it to be.

So here we are at the beginning of our unit study of Planet Earth. Today we learned that being green means to act like a friend by doing thoughtful and giving things toward Earth. We learned that Earth helps to keep us safe, provides us with a home, gives us things that keep us healthy and gives us places to see. For example it gives us trees to climb, camping, beaches, fishing, animals, soil for plants, food, air and water. Lastly, we learned about electricity and how we can get electricity from natural resources such as the sun, wind, and water.

This is a new unit for me so I will be learning right along with the kids. They seem to be really excited about the unit and look forward to doing fun activities to help make earth a better place. If you have any ideas or suggestion feel free to post them. You can see what we are working on by clicking the link to the right that says Earth Unit. I will be posting new information daily so check back often.

Friday, March 14, 2008

All About The Planets

We have been having so much fun learning about the planets. We read a variety of stories, wrote in our journals, illustrated pictures, and learned a great planet song. Click play to hear a student singing our favorite planet song.

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Subtraction Video

We have been learning how to add and subtract. Watch the video below to practice at home!

Monday, February 25, 2008

Justin's Weather Report

"Tuday the sno is melting and the levs or gun and no pursipashin."

Sunday, February 24, 2008

All About The Weather!

Welcome back! I hope everyone had a wonderful and safe vacation. It will be difficult getting back into a routine but I know we can do it. Up until now we have been exploring weather by observing, describing, and writing about it during circle time. This week we will begin a fun and exciting in depth study of the weather! Our first few activities will consist of sharing what we already know, estimating wind speed, and recording data. Students will be posting some of their weather journal entries so make sure you make time to look through all of the wonderful work.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

February News

This month will be busy but fun. With Valentines Day being just around the corner we will have lots to do. We will be making our very own Valentine cards, playing Valentine Bingo, writing about things we love and playing estimation games with candy hearts.